Fire Grilled Steak with Chimichurri and Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus
Fire grilled steak with chimichurri and bacon-wrapped asparagus is a meal that you can enjoy in a casual atmosphere with friend and family, or at an elegant dinner party. The flavors of spices, garlic, citrus juice and herbs seasoning the meat together with the sweetness of asparagus are perfect for any time of year.
This recipe takes just a few minutes to throw together after you've cleaned your grill and it comes out beautifully juicy, spicy and delicious every single time.Use promo code GMC10 for 10% OFF at valid through 11/1/22.Brocmar Smokehouse® Fire Grilled Steak with Chimichurri and Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus

Fire Grilled Steak with Chimichurri and Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus is a great recipe to serve guests. The flavor combination of bacon, asparagus, chimichurri sauce, and fire grilling all come together for a delicious and easy meal that you can eat sitting on your patio! What more can you ask for in the summer?
Main Course
- Brocmar Smokehouse® Remy's Competition Rub
- 2 Ribeye Steaks
- 8 Stocks of Asparagus
- 1 Thick Cut Slice of Bacon
- 2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Balsamic Glaze
- Salt/Pepper to taste
- Butcher’s Twine
- 1/2 Cup Cilantro
- 1/4 Cup Curly Parsley
- 1 Tsp Red Chili Flake
- 1/8 Tsp Smoked Sea Salt
- 1/4 Tsp Coarse Black Pepper
- 2 Cloves Black Garlic ((can substitute regular garlic))
- 1/2 Medium Lime ((Juiced))
- 2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil ((add more if needed))
Preheat grill. (I utilized lump charcoal and Oregon White Oak for this cook.)
Prepare asparagus by breaking off the first quarter of the stock. Cut the strip of bacon in half, then place the asparagus on the bacon so the bacon is in the middle of the bunch. Roll the asparagus in the bacon, then tie off with butcher’s twine so it stays during cooking. Drizzle olive oil over asparagus/bacon and season with salt/pepper to taste.
Fine chop the cilantro and parsley until you get the measured amounts. In a small bowl, combine chimichurri ingredients and mix well. Add additional olive oil if needed until you gain the consistency you would like. Place in fridge until ready to serve. (I like my chimichurri a bit chunky, so I adjust the olive oil accordingly.)
Place asparagus on the grill surface directly over flame, for approximately 1 min per side, turning until you have achieved the amount of char you would like. Remove from over open flame and set on the grill surface to the side as to expose the asparagus and bacon to indirect heat. Pull after bacon is cooked.
Pat steaks dry with a paper towel, coat steaks in olive oil, then season with Remy’s Competition Rub on all sides. Place steaks directly over flame/heat source until desired sear is achieved. Remove from direct heat and place on grill where steaks are exposed to indirect heat and cook until an internal temp of 127 °F, pull and rest for 10 minutes. (This is the cooking temp for medium rare with a target internal temp of 132 °F after the rest period – adjust accordingly for steak doneness.)
Slice steak and plate, topping with the chimichurri. Plate the asparagus and drizzle balsamic glaze over asparagus.
Folks can adjust heat temps based on the grill they are utilizing. If using gas: Sear hot, then move to indirect by shutting down half the burners. If using pellet: Set temp to 225 °F until an internal temp of 105 °F is achieved, crank the pellet grill up to 450 °F with a cast iron pan on the grill, then pan-sear until an internal temp of 127 °F is achieved.
Asparagus, Bacon, beef, Brocmar Smokehouse, featured box item